PPG Minutes

Minutes for Meeting held on 7th August 2014, 7 pm

Members present – Sara White, Alison Markwell, Mike Dale, Paul Boynton, Diana Boa,

Beryl Jessett, Christine Matthews.

1) Apologies for absence These were received from Sam Uddin and Dr S Kitchen

2) Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising All agreed as accurate.

3) Chair and treasurer report

At the last Kingston Patient Forum, we won an award for the best PPG project. This

was for our patient newsletter. We received a plaque which will be given to the surgery

to display – hopefully in the waiting room.

4) Open evening – plans for the next one.

  • We originally hoped for a respiratory consultant to come and talk, but they are

unavailable, so we have a pain management specialist coming instead.

  • Hall booked from 7 – 9 pm. Start time to be 7.15
  • The surgery needs to get the projector again from the CCG. SW will provide the


  • It would also be good to have one of the GPs talk about the practice’s appointment

system and also the Response team and how this is accessed.

  •  Adverts to be placed in the pharmacy, station, library and if possible The Guide

(approx £22)

  • We should have copies of the summer newsletter to hand out at the open evening.
  • We will have response forms for people to fill out (suggest giving email address if

want to receive newsletter in future by email)

  • Refreshments – tea, coffee, biscuits and cakes.

5) Newsletter – the next one!

  • The latest one hasn’t been seen in the surgery by any PPG members, so could we

have the next one in a plastic holder on the wall with a sign saying “Please take

one” on it. Maybe coloured paper instead of white, or a coloured title.

  • Would be a good idea if this plastic holder could be below the award plaque so it is

more prominent.

  • It needs to be distributed to the local library, pharmacy and station
  • Future articles – Repeat prescriptions (WBMS), PPG member profile, Flu reminder,

Pneumonia jab, Shingles jab, Childhood illnesses and inoculations (WBMS),

Practice profile (WBMS), Feature on who to contact over Christmas, How to make

appts (WBMS)

6) 999 and 101 call centre visit

  • A trip has been arranged to the Police 999 call centre in Lambeth on 4th


  • There are 3 floors, 1 for 99 and 101 calls, 1 for call distribution and one for major

event control.

  • Further visits can be arranged – contact ppg@wbms.co.uk if interested

7) AOB

  • Could the surgery send out reminders for flu jabs
  • Next survey needs question “What would you change about the practice”
  • It would be useful to have the surgery hours on the wall in the waiting room
  • Name badges for receptionists would be helpful – first names only needed.
  • In the upstairs waiting room it is too easy to hear what is being said in the adjacent

consulting rooms.

8) Date of next meeting

13th November 2014

Minutes of meeting held on 20th March 2014

Present Sara White (SW) Alison Markwell (AM) Paul Boynton (PB) Mike Dale(MD) Diana Boa (DB) Beryl Jessett (BJ) and Sam Uddin (SU

  1. Apologies for absence

Dr S Kitchen

Beryl Jessett was welcomed as a new member.

  1. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising

These were agreed as accurate. No matters arising not covered elsewhere.

  1. Chair and treasurer report

We have spent £40 on the NAPP membership fee and £64.58 running the Open Evening (£54 Hall hire and £10.58 on refreshments) AM offered to take over as Treasurer from now on.

SW went to a Kingston wide PPG meeting in February. It was only attended by representatives of 6 PPGs but was a useful meeting. The lay member of the Council of Members of the CCG had asked GPs to fill in a questionnaire to see how they feel they are engaging with patients. Patient groups have been asked the same questions and she will collate the results. There will be a group anonymised result published and the each surgery and PPG will see their individual results for comparison.

There was also a lot of discussion about what PPGs have done and examples were sought. SW let the group know about the Open Evening and the newsletter and has let the CCG have a copy of the newsletter. The CCG may give us some news for the next one.

The CCG may help open evenings to be held by clusters of practices – eg all the New Malden practices together.

  1. Open evening

This was deemed to be a success both by the patients and the GPs. See attachment for attendance. It was not a surprise that cross boundary issues (Sutton and Merton / Kingston) were brought up – this was suggested as a future topic for GPs to cover at another evening. The surgery’s appointment structure and the cost of missed appointments was also suggested.

The surgery is happy to fund an advertising budget for future evenings so notification could be put in The Guide, The Village Voice and the Holy Cross Church magazine. As well as the list of possible topics suggested by patients, SU asked if sexual health could be included as a future topic. It was thought this might not be as successful as some other areas.

The next Open Evening will be held on 2nd October if the church hall is available and the GPs will be asked to find a speaker. We will ask people attending for their names and email addresses so that we can contact them more easily in future about other events. We will provide a feedback form to be passed around on the night.

  1. Patient Satisfaction Survey

There were 399 surveys filled in over a 6 week period. This was seen as very disappointing and thought to be due to the practice staff not handing them out to everyone who arrived in the surgery. It has been asked that next year there is a nominated member of staff to be in charge of handing out surveys to all in the waiting room. Also for GPs to have them on their desks to give at the end of a consultation. They could also be in a holder on the wall in the waiting rooms.

Going through the results showed that there have been improvements compared with last year. Ability to get an appointment within 2 days has improved from 37% to 74% and an appointment in advance from 31% to 56%. Reception staff customer service has improved from 31% finding them very helpful to 64% and the overall very and fairly helpful score has risen from 75% to 81%. More people are now happy to recommend the surgery to newcomers.

Age and employment statistics suggest that there may have been a bias in who received surveys as there were an unexpectedly low proportion of retired people who answered and proportionately few over 66s. This needs to be addressed when future surveys are handed out.

It would be a good idea to post the results up in the waiting rooms.

 6. Newsletter

The next edition will go out at the end of May.

Articles to be:

  • Resumé of survey
  • Resumé of open evening
  • PPG member profile
  • GP profile – Dr Iqbal
  • The cost of missed appointments
  • Coping with the heat
  • The deadline for articles to SW is 12th May.
  1. Increasing patient numbers

The practice needs a handout showing what services it provides. It could be useful for local estate agents to have copies of these to give to new home buyers. Maybe something similar could be downloaded from the website also.

  1. AOB

It might help if there was a board in the practice showing all the GPs and nurses and which days they were usually in to help people when scheduling appointments.

  1. Date of next meeting

 7th August 2014, 7 pm

Notes of meeting on 23rd January 2014

Present – Sara White and Mike Dale

As only two of us – Sara White and Mike Dale – were at the meeting, these are notes of what we said as opposed to formal minutes.

MD was happy with the previous minutes as being accurate.

Open evening

  • Holy Cross Church Hall has been booked
  • Sara will be there from abut 6.40pm to set up – any help at that time gratefully received!
  • Speaker booked – Steven Harsum – Ophthalmologist
  • Drs Iqbal and Kitchen will talk about CCGs and what this means to people
  • Flyers in both waiting rooms at the surgery, in the pharmacy and Library. A4 ones as posters and A6 to take away.
  • Event has been Tweeted – now on MotspurParkInfo website and retweeted by Motspur Park mums.
  • No idea how many people will attend
  • Tea, coffee and biscuits bought to give at interval
  • Projector supplied by another surgery, screen by SW

Review terms of reference

SW and MD went through the terms of reference and did not find any areas to amend as yet.


Next newsletter content – late May / June

  • Coping with the heat in summer
  • Missed appointments and what they cost
  • Profile of a PPG member
  • Profile of a GP

Survey has been printed and will be handed out to all attending surgery.

Date of next meeting was not set. Anticipated to be sometime in March to go through survey results.

Minutes of meeting held on 5th December 2013

1. Apologies for absence

Jan Smith and Dr Kitchen

2. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising

All agreed as accurate. All matters arising to be dealt with later in the meeting.

3. Chair report

Howard Leigh has resigned from the group

4. Report from the NAPP meeting in November

Paul went to the meeting and reported back

NAPP Regional Event 20/11/2013 Crawley.

200 PPGs Invited. Some 16 Represented.

Approx 60% of Practices have PPGs.

Main Presentations

1) ‘Growing Healthy PPGs’

Good PPG Groups have

a) Clear Understanding of Purpose & Role of PPG.

b) Agree Terms of Reference with practice.

Suggestions and Discussion around attracting potential new members of PPG.

These includea)

Residential Care Homes – Heavy users of Practice

b) 6th Form Colleges – Potential Nurses/Doctors/Healthcare Workers – Look

good on CV.

To Be Discussed further at future meeting(s).

2) ‘NHS England Perspective’

Potential Opportunities for PPGs

a) Revalidation of Doctors every 3/5 years. Part of Revalidation Process is

Patient Feedback – PPG involvement?

b) Primary Care Commissioning – General Practice.

Quality Surveillance Groups

Clinical Senate & Strategic Clinical Networks

Work is currently underway as to how PPGs can be involved.

5. Patient satisfaction survey

Questions chosen – see attached appendix

6. Newsletter

Final amendments made – Sam will ensure it is printed and distributed in the

practice once the partners have seen and agreed it.

7. Open evening

Holy Cross Church hall is booked for Thursday 13th February 2014 7 – 9pm.

We will probably have to provide tea and coffee for attendees. Publicity needs

to be at the practice and on the website. Possibly also the pharmacy?

8. AOB

PPG notices at the practice still have Howard’s details on so need to be


Suggested that all new patients at the practice are asked for their email address

so they can be contacted using this in future.

9. Date of next meeting

7pm Thurs 23rd January 146 Motspur Park

This meeting will be predominantly to review our terms of reference.